How running helps me to code better.

How running helps me to code better.

How running is helping me learn to code. Mar 18, 2021

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While out on a recent run it occurred to me that many of the struggles I face when running and how I overcome them are similar to those I also face when sitting down to code. Let me explain and hopefully inspire some of you out there to keep going and stay motivated.

Firstly I don't consider myself a runner and often when I see others out there running I get a touch of anxiety. My fears are always the same. Do I look bad as I run, is my form correct? Am I using the correct trainers or using the wrong gear or too much gear? Am I going fast enough or too slow? Maybe I should just watch another video on running first and try again tomorrow.

The hardest part of my run is always the same, the start. By the start, I mean before evening putting on my shoes to go out. My mind starts to make excuses straight away, it's raining, it's too sunny, I am tired, I just don't feel like it, we can start Monday.

However, once I am out there, music on, and pace set, something magical happens. I forget what I am doing and just do it. Before I know it I have finished the run for the day and I feel epic. So how does this relate to programming and my dream of working in tech?

Well, I have almost the same fears and doubts and before starting I tend to make a lot of excuses but once I start coding and get in the zone nothing can stop me and all those fears disappear.

So what can you do to help yourself in similar situations?

Before I go for my runs I remind myself that the only person I will compare myself to is the runner I was yesterday. I remember how I feel each time I am out there, and most of all, what it feels like to complete the run. If I need any more motivation I can further remind myself how bad I feel when I don't go out and skip the run. I also keep track of my runs, times, distances, and other metrics so I can look back and see just how much I have improved. Doing the same with programming has helped me out so many times since I began coding this year.

Whatever your fears or excuses are just start, don't overthink it, get those shoes on or fire up the computer and get going. You will feel so much better afterward and this will give you the motivation to go again the next time. Coding is a marathon, not a sprint. Go as fast or as slow as you need to go so long as you don't stop.

Another way that running has helped to change the way I approach coding is through cross-training. I used to think that to improve my running I just had to run all the time and focus on that. I would burn out fast and get bored and soon find myself taking a week off which would turn into a month, and then getting back out on the trail was so much harder. These days my runs are longer and I am faster than ever because I mix up my training. I lift weights, I do some HIIT workouts, I do yoga. This way I strengthen other areas of my body that actually help me on my runs and I look forward to the runs more. Coding, for me at least, has been the same. I don't just code but I work on my soft skills too, building a network of connections online, design, learning about computer science, anything that enhances my coding.

One last thing that has helped me out recently has been joining a community that inspires and pushes me to be better. With running I joined a group of people on the Fitbit app and we challenge each other every day to complete a certain number of steps, encourage, and congratulate everyone's efforts. With coding, there are plenty of places you can find other beginners who will help support you and share your highs and lows along the way. If you want help finding one you can reach out to me on twitter.

I hope this helps.